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Make in-flight changes that change the outcome. When budgets are tight, every dollar counts. You need to run a campaign that’s as efficient and effective as possible. And when it’s not, you need to know ASAP. With NCS, you can get real-time buyer insights to optimize your campaigns while still in-flight. That gives you the ability to add some “positive” to every outcome.

Make the most of your ad spend

There are no do-overs in ad campaigns. You either hit your KPIs or you don’t. That’s why our real-time insights are invaluable to CPG marketers. And getting the right insights can enable you to pull the right strings to improve campaign performance. With our powerful tools, you never have to cross your fingers and hope for the best again.

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Optimize with a privacy-first approach

Ask for NCS at your DSP and publisher – ASAP! We have collaborations with most demand-side platforms and publishers or you can reach out directly to our team and we’ll help you activate. And we’re always privacy-safe and future-proofed for your business.

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Discover the strength of our optimization suite

Eighty-six percent of brand marketers agree it’s important for their DSPs to optimize bid price for programmatic activation.1 NCS empowers marketers to optimize for incremental sales using actual buyer data. You can also receive real-time sales insights and optimize for audiences most likely to purchase products – even in the bid stream. Our solutions provide you with more levers and opportunities to refine your advertising campaigns, based on your specific brand and strategy.


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Buyer-Driven Bidding

This NCS-exclusive allows you to achieve a higher return on advertising spend (ROAS) to use insights that allow you to shift audiences and media tactics in the bid stream

Early Reads

Early Reads offers just that – a sneak peak at your campaign performance while it’s still in flight, enabling you to know how each campaign element is performing and optimize to the KPIs that matter most.

Get your very own fast-moving sales KPI
Advertisers & Retailers

Get real-time sales metrics delivered in-flight so you can adjust campaigns and optimize results.

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Publishers & TV Platforms

Power campaign decisions with sales data and faster insights and become your advertisers’ top choice.

Retailer Media Networks

Go beyond your own customers and find buyers outside of your owned and operated channels.

Case Study
Cereal Brand Gets In-flight Results

A popular cereal brand used a bowl full of purchase-based audiences and in-flight campaign adjustments to see major reach.

Find Out How In-Flight Optimization Worked For This Brand

1 Brand Innovators & NCSolutions CPG Marketers Survey 2022